Steve's Place
by Steve Elswick
Energy Weapons
Today’s modern battlefield is getting quieter, yet even deadlier than those of the past.
Why Young Americans Have Lost Substantial Interest In Entering The Fields of Science and Technology
by Dr. Max Fogiel, President Research & Education Association Reprinted from: Exotic Research Report (Volume 1, Issue 1; Jan/Feb/Mar 1996) It is difficult to comprehend that the United States has lost its leadership in science and technology. Repeated studies and...

HAARP… Environmental Warfare
The weather is acting kind of strange; could HAARP be the long sought after weather machine?

Conference Session: Cams Technology
Scalar Technology For The Relief of Pain & Re-Growth of Telomeres Charles Crosby DO, MD(H)

Review: Exotic Research Report V3N2
WIRELESS POWER…Tesla’s Greatest Dream!
100 MPG…Super Carburetors Are Possible!
ATOMIC IODINE…A Cayce Healing Modality!

Review: ExtraOrdinary Technology V6N2
Biosphere 2 … A Glass House in Arizona’s Outback!
Crop Circles… Still a Mystery in the 21st Century!
Brown’s Gas… Questions? Here’s Some Answers!

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